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Your Manahawkin Family Chiropractor Encourages Exercise: for You, for Your Kids

teen girl lifting weights to help with back painThe incidence of back pain is vast! From NFL football players (1) to the worker who works too hard at a physical job (2) to our kids who run and play and go to school. Back pain is everywhere! Thankfully, relieving Manahawkin  chiropractic care is here for your whole family, and exercise plays a role in keeping your and your kids’ spines painfree.

Those NFL football players get pesky disc herniations that result in back pain and neck painand undesirable time off during the season. Their L5S1 discs seem to take the brunt of it. (1)

The more physically-demanding the job is, the higher the risk the worker has for a lumbar disc herniation and lower back pain. It’s a cumulative effect: the more you do, the more at risk you are over time. (2)

The kids get back pain, too. A new study reports that 76.2% of kids from 10 to 19 years old say they had back pain in the past year. 74.8% of them had it in the lower back. Girls experienced it more than boys (52.2% girls to 47.8% boys). (3) So if your kids mention back pain, bring them in for some Manahawkin chiropractic care! We’ll most likely evaluate their physical activity level and suggest some exercise.

Adding some physical activity to your kids’ lives may well hold off future spine trouble. It seems that the more active kids are, the higher their fitness levels are. Makes sense! These more physically active kids also report less pain symptoms than their less physically active counterparts. Why might this be? Well, researchers propose that physically active kids cope with pain as part of the activity and learn to cope with bumps and bruises and aches and pains which, combined with their higher fitness levels, may reduce their awareness of pain. (4) Whatever it takes, let’s help our kids with their pain and keep them active.

So Manahawkin chiropractic care is for the whole family. Contact Manahawkin Chiropractic Center today! We will do a thorough examination and set an individual treatment plan that may well include exercise as needed. You’ll be glad you did!

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"This information and website content is not intended to diagnose, guarantee results, or recommend specific treatment or activity. It is designed to educate and inform only. Please consult your physician for a thorough examination leading to a diagnosis and well-planned treatment strategy. See more details on the DISCLAIMER page. Content is reviewed by Dr. James M. Cox I."